Instructions for Reader and Choir at the Prokeimenon, Apostle, and Alleluia
Service Day and Times
Sunday Mornings:
9:30am Hours
10:00am Divine Liturgy or Obednitsa (Typika) with Holy Communion
Agape Meal (Coffee Hour) following services.
Sign up to help with Agape Meal.
church Location
2444 NE 1st Blvd Unit 100
Gainesville, FL 32609.
Bible Study
Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
Bible study is sometimes held remotely over Zoom, and sometimes in-person at the Church or in-person/remote hybrid. Check the calendar for this week's information, including the Zoom link if applicable.
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Text "give" to (888) 502-4023
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St. John the Theologian Orthodox Church