/ Community
Agape Meal / Coffee Hour

Every Sunday after services, we share a meal together. If you would like to contribute, you can sign up here.

Our Clergy

St John the Theologian Orthodox Church is served on a rotating basis by clergy from St Justin Martyr Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, FL.

Archpriest Theodore Pisarchuk



Phone: 904-880-7671

Archpriest Theodore Pisarchuk (Fr. Ted) is the founding priest of St. Justin Martyr Orthodox Church. He holds a Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary (1994). For twelve years he served as the Mission Director of the Diocese of the South and presently serves as the Dean of the Central Florida Deanery. Fr. Ted is a licensed Commercial Building Contractor (1990). He is married to Matushka Lee Ann and has adult children, Christopher and Steven.

Priest Jacob Hatch

Assistant Priest


Fr. Jacob is the Assistant Priest at St. Justin Martyr Orthodox Church in Jacksonville, FL. He holds a Master of Divinity from St. Vladimir’s Theological Seminary (2006) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (2003).  He also received a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2015 from the University of North Florida. He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in 2009, and ordained to the Holy Priesthood on February 4th, 2018 by His Eminence Archbishop Mark of Philadelphia and Eastern Philadelphia on behalf of Archbishop Alexander. He is married to Matushka Erika Hatch and has two children, Joshua and Cecilia Hatch.

Deacon James Marth


Deacon James was ordained to the Holy Diaconate in 2017. He holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration (1984) and a Master of Divinity Degree from Perkins School of Theology (1988). He was a pastor in the United Methodist Church (1988-2000), serving parishes in Illinois and Florida.  He is a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser in Florida and Georgia.  He is married to Matushka Robin.



Service Day and Times

Sunday Mornings:

9:30am Hours

10:00am Divine Liturgy or Obednitsa (Typika) with Holy Communion

Agape Meal (Coffee Hour) following services.

Sign up to help with Agape Meal.




church Location

2444 NE 1st Blvd Unit 100

Gainesville, FL 32609.

Bible Study

Wednesdays at 7:00 pm

Fr. James Hargrave is hosting the Bible Study via Zoom.  You can participate using your cell phone, tablet or computer.  Copy the link below to your browser to join.

If you are asked for a passcode it is: SJTT




Help support our mission by making an online donation.

Text "give" to (888) 502-4023 

or Give online by clicking the button below. 

St. John the Theologian Orthodox Church